Getting out of Procrastinating ..
Summer is almost gone and I still have not published the DF Catalogue: Creating a Beautiful Life. Ah ..... bugger nuts.
Summer is almost gone and I still have not published the DF Catalogue: Creating a Beautiful Life. Ah ..... bugger nuts.
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
12:53 PM
I have had to put aside some of the df designprojects for now. I was commissioned by an emerging Japanese Company that has entered Second Life to create commercial builds for them. This is too exciting! My first love has always been architecture and it was *this* that I started out, as a path for me in Second Life.
Aside from my Freelance Photography, it was building that really satisfied my creativity and it is this that I am now devoting my time to.
I will of course, still create design pieces for spaces but as it is, the df studio and gallery will remain self sufficient.
I am also working on a Real Life book that will be first showcased online, "Second Life meets Real Life: The Fim & Ysabel Story.
I can always be reached by email:
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
5:41 PM
Enthusiasm hasn't been my cup of tea lately. I can be busy .. or not. I choose the 'not'. I was waiting for the month of June to pass - so that I could gear up for July. July is only a day away - in other parts of the world, and I only want that to pass too. I need to think of the 4th Collective Project. So many ideas .. but none wanting to come out to play.
Call it a chemical imbalance. Call it lack of .... Call it whatever, but right now things are, and I am going to invent this - "limbo blah".
Summer. Yay.
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
10:32 AM
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
2:05 AM
I figure, if I write them down then they will get done. *smiles*
I am seriously thinking of re-doing the df design catalog - a pre-fall issue perhaps, just to get the ball rolling.
I need to be doing something creative that is just from 'me' or else I tend to loose interest really fast.
Also, the 1st TOUCH Magazine Team will be working on the Summer Edition and this no doubt will take up lots of time and energy.
And of course, new designs have been circling in my head .. and I just need to make the time to get the prims rezzed and start creating again.
This will be a busy summer with other RL and SL projects on the agenda and I hope I can keep up with all of them.
As it is, I am feeling much at home here in Frankfurt, Germany. Living with my SL partner Fim Fischer in RL has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. For more background on this story you can log onto my Photo Journalist Blog.
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
6:16 AM
Every now and then, even a designer needs to take a break to re-group, re-think and re-set just what it is that sits at her core of creativity. Where will my next inspiration come from and more importantly, when will the drive to create again start up?
I have been actually toggling at the thought of re-doing the df design catalog and to expand its contents and topics to include lifestyle.
We are all certainly designers of our own right. Each designing and creating or for some like me, re-creating a life - style, space and meaning, to our 'person'. That which best expresses the 'essence' of who we are.
I would like to explore this idea and add concepts that seem to be flittering about in my head for so long - that simply have been waiting for a time and place to land.
AH! The light bulb has once again been turned on - and a halogen one at that.
May my 'light of creativity' continue to shine and shed its' light waves on my path -hopefully to continue my 'work' both inworld and in RL.
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
4:01 AM
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
1:28 PM
Labels: df, df design, exquisite, ysabel isabella
The df design Summer Catalog 2007 features all the design pieces that were specifically created for the [envy] location. But of course I just couldn't stop there. For the past week I have been busy creating more 'relaxing' pieces that can easily fit into any space, even if your style is not modern simplistic.
I am in awe at the time and effort that many product/retail store owners have taken to painstakenly capture photos of their creations, edit them in a graphic software, upload them in-world and then carefully set them up for merchandising. As Yoda would say, "Simply amazed am I."
I only have to rezz my pieces, I don't have to involve photographing models, wearing them. That alone is a feat unto itself.
This site is for you. For those of you that are curious about the creations of df design, in here I will reveal the process of what goes thru my mind when I give birth to a new piece.
It is more than just linking prims together .... it is a careful, deliberate act of choice.
Posted by
Ysabel Isabella
1:28 PM